Tuesday, July 22, 2014

summer visits

The poor 'ol blog has been mostly pictures of my kids doing summer things and what we have going on here (except for the pencil sharpener giveaway), but school will start soon enough. 

So, it's more family summerness for today.  The kids and I got the chance to go visit my dad for a few days.  It was a little chilly for July but we spent most of the time on the lake, which is the kids favorite. 

especially when they get to drive the boat!  (driving in 2012- Lou with his curls)

Tippy joined us too.  Have you ever seen a happier dog?  He apparently is a farm dog and a lake dog.

Look at that sweet guy, he seems to be saying thank you.  I can't believe we ever considered not keeping him, he's been a perfect dog for our family.

 The first day was so late in the evening we just went for a 'cruise,' as the kids call it.
Bee loves the water.  She talks about moving back to Florida as soon as she has a choice.  I just hope she takes me with her. 

This photo of Lou and my dad is my favorite from the boat.  Both of the boys look so natural and at ease.  It's good to see Lou at ease. 
We got to ride in the convertible, which is a treat for all of us.  Bee and Lou had my poor dad pull over a dozen times, "Can you put the top up, it's too windy?"  "Can you put the top down, we want to feel the air?" Repeat.

I forgot to collect electronics.  That silly boy may have a small addiction to electronic devices. 

Once he was forced to put the device away, Lou enjoyed the convertible best of all.  Don't worry dad, I'm at a red light.   (I'm wearing a cardigan in July!)  Look at that face, I'm pretty sure we will have to keep an eye on that one.

My dentist office has this event this summer where you travel around with a paper 'fan' of one of the dentist and take your picture with him doing fun things.  We don't know what the prize is, but the kids and I sort of want to win.  It's almost embarrassing how many photos we took with Dr. Adam. 

He also joined us at a petting zoo where he was almost eaten by a goat and rode a donkey. 

On the second day we tried to avoid getting in the water by just canoeing, but Lou and I ended up in the lake anyway.  We both lost our shoes too.  The water was fine, but air once you got out was brutal.  On the third day it was finally warm enough to get into the water.  The kids and I tubed.  I did lots of tubing since they both wanted to ride with me.  Bee tried on her own for just a few minutes.  She hardly weighed enough to keep the tube going correct and I had to get back on. 
On the way home, we stopped by my sister's.  Because Tippy is apparently a farm dog and a lake dog and a woods dog. 

We did some fishing.  Bee and my sister both caught fish, but nothing happened for the boys.  There was also a crawdad who wanted a worm.

 We were supposed to go to a park and zoo the next day, but we picnicked by the river for lunch (because there were some 'uncertain people' by the picnic area and the kids (and sister's boyfriend's kid brother) played in the sand and dirt for the afternoon instead. 

Then we drove home.  The house smelled awful when we got back.  Hubby had been out of town for work all week and the kids and I were gone most of the week traveling.  I guess I left something in the garbage disposal.  We had the plumber in through the week doing some work in the bathroom and the gal that watches the cats was in some too.  They probably think we're just gross now.  It was foul.  the cat girl even sent me a text that said, "I took out your trash."  Nice, she smelled it too.  Too bad it wasn't the trash.   Lesson learned- check disposals before leaving. 

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