Saturday, December 12, 2009

How to add two inches to last years Christmas dress

I had grand plans of making Bee's Christmas dress this year, but like Easter, I found an adorable one at a consignment shop cheaper than I could have made it. Before I packed away last years dress, just to see how she'd grown, I had Bee try it on. It fit through the top, but was a bit too short.

I think we solved the problem. I picked up 1 1/2 yard of black tulle at the fabric shop and made a little ruffle along the bottom. I've been seeing skirts and dresses with this element this season. Now we'll get a little more wear out of last years dress. Actually, I think she wore this for two years. Yes, I'll have to dig up pictures.

She of course likes that it twirls a little more. 

With, or without the tulle, this dress is getting pack up in the save box when winter is over. I'm trying to be more selective about the save outfits. Hubby complains each time we move that we keep tubs of things that don't' fit. I'm hoping for nieces and nephews some day... but not too soon.

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